13 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement with 10 Examples: Mastering Grammar

13 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement with 10 Examples

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that can often be tricky to master. However, by following these 13 rules and exploring 10 examples, you can gain a better understanding of this fundamental concept.

Rule 1: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs.

Example: cat chases Mouse. (Singular)

Example: cats chase Mice. (Plural)

Rule 2: Compound subjects connected by “and” usually take a plural verb.

Example: Mary John are Going party.

Rule 3: Inverted sentences (sentence structure where the verb comes before the subject) require special attention.

Example: Never has Team been successful.

Rule 4: Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone” or “somebody” are singular and require a singular verb.

Example: Somebody needs Clean dishes.

Rule 5: When the subject and the verb are separated by a phrase or clause, it`s essential to ensure agreement.

Example: The movie, along previews, is Starting soon.

Rule 6: Collective nouns, such as “team” or “family,” can be singular or plural depending on the context.

Example: The team is Celebrating victory. (Singular)

Example: The team are Arguing among themselves. (Plural)

Rule 7: Titles of books, movies, and other works are treated as singular, even if they contain plural words.

Example: “The Lord the Rings” is Classic fantasy novel.

Rule 8: When sentences start with “there” or “here,” the subject follows the verb.

Example: There are Many reasons her success.

Rule 9: Phrases that come between the subject and the verb do not affect the agreement.

Example: The man, as well his children, is Excited about vacation.

Rule 10: When using “either/or” or “neither/nor,” the verb agrees with the closer subject.

Example: Neither the parents nor the children are Interested the activity.

Rule 11: When using gerunds (verbs ending in -ing) as the subject, the verb is singular.

Example: Swimming is Her favorite hobby.

Rule 12: Quantitative expressions such as “a lot,” “a majority,” or “some” are always singular.

Example: A lot the cake was Eaten the party.

Rule 13: When expressing units of measurement, the verb agrees with the unit, not the quantity.

Example: Five miles is Long distance walk.

Subject-verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication, and mastering these rules can significantly improve your writing and speaking skills. By paying attention to these guidelines and practicing with various examples, you can enhance your language proficiency and avoid common grammatical errors.

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Subject-Verb Agreement Contract

Subject-verb agreement essential English language. In order to ensure clarity and precision in communication, it is imperative to adhere to the 13 rules of subject-verb agreement. This contract outlines the rules and provides 10 examples for reference.

Rule Description Example
1 When the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. The dog runs The park.
2 When the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. The dogs run The park.
3 Compound subjects joined by “and” require a plural verb. Mary John are Going the party.
4 When the subject is separated by “and” or “or”, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. Neither the cat nor the dogs like The new food.
5 Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone” or “somebody” are singular and require singular verbs. Everyone enjoys Good movie.
6 Collective nouns like “team” or “group” can be singular or plural depending on context. The team is Playing well. (Singular) The team are Wearing matching uniforms. (Plural)
7 When the subject is a fraction or amount, the verb agrees with the noun following “of.” Half the pizza is Gone.
8 Expressions like “more than one” or “the majority of” are singular and require singular verbs. More than one student has A grade.
9 Titles or words that are plural in form but singular in meaning require singular verbs. The news is Shocking.
10 When the subject is a single unit, the verb is singular. Five dollars is All I have.
11 Each, every, and neither must be followed by a singular verb. Each the cookies is Delicious.
12 Collective nouns like “family” or “jury” can be singular or plural depending on whether the members act together or individually. The jury deliberates Carefully. (Singular) The jury disagree The verdict. (Plural)
13 Words like “there” or “here” are never subjects and do not affect the number of the verb. Here comes The bride.


Legal Questions and Answers: 13 Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement with 10 Examples

Question Answer
1. What is subject-verb agreement and why is it important in legal writing? Subject-verb agreement is the matching of the subject of a sentence with the proper form of the verb. It is crucial in legal writing to ensure clarity and precision in conveying legal concepts and arguments. Without proper subject-verb agreement, legal documents can be open to interpretation and ambiguity, leading to potential legal disputes.
2. What are the 13 rules of subject-verb agreement? The 13 rules subject-verb agreement like 13 commandments legal writing—sacred binding. They govern the agreement between subjects and verbs, ensuring harmony and coherence in legal language. These rules dictate that the verb must agree with the subject in number, person, and sometimes gender. They are the pillars of grammatical integrity in legal writing.
3. Can you provide an example of subject-verb agreement in a legal context? When drafting a contract, it is vital to ensure that the subject and verb agree to avoid any potential disputes. For example, “The company agrees” (singular subject and singular verb) as opposed to “The company agree” (incorrect plural verb).
4. How do subject-verb agreement errors impact the validity of a legal document? Subject-verb agreement errors can cast doubt on the accuracy and reliability of a legal document. Inconsistencies in language and grammar may be interpreted as inconsistencies in intent and meaning, potentially undermining the enforceability of the document. Precision in subject-verb agreement is essential to uphold the integrity of legal texts.
5. What are the consequences of subject-verb agreement errors in a legal contract? Subject-verb agreement errors in a legal contract can lead to misinterpretation and confusion, which may result in costly legal disputes. Ambiguity in language, stemming from subject-verb disagreement, can jeopardize the validity of contractual terms and lead to protracted litigation. It is imperative to uphold the sanctity of subject-verb agreement in legal contracts.
6. How can lawyers ensure subject-verb agreement in their legal writing? Lawyers can uphold subject-verb agreement in their legal writing by carefully reviewing and editing their documents. Utilizing grammar checkers and seeking peer review can also aid in identifying and rectifying any subject-verb agreement errors. A meticulous approach to language and grammar is essential in legal writing.
7. What role does subject-verb agreement play in statutory interpretation? Subject-verb agreement is pivotal in statutory interpretation, as it contributes to the clarity and coherence of legal provisions. Ensuring subject-verb agreement in statutes is essential to accurately convey legislative intent and avoid potential misinterpretation. The harmonious alignment of subjects and verbs in statutes is fundamental to upholding the rule of law.
8. How does subject-verb agreement impact the drafting of legal briefs? Subject-verb agreement is instrumental in the drafting of legal briefs, as it enhances the persuasiveness and credibility of legal arguments. Consistent subject-verb agreement fosters clarity and precision in conveying complex legal concepts, bolstering the effectiveness of legal briefs. Mastering subject-verb agreement is an indispensable skill for adept legal advocates.
9. Can subject-verb agreement influence judicial interpretation of legal documents? Subject-verb agreement can indeed influence judicial interpretation of legal documents, as it impacts the clarity and coherence of legal texts. Judicial scrutiny of subject-verb agreement errors may raise doubts about the accuracy and reliability of legal documents, potentially affecting their admissibility and enforceability. Meticulous attention to subject-verb agreement is essential to fortify the persuasiveness of legal arguments.
10. Are there any exceptions to the rules of subject-verb agreement in legal writing? While the rules of subject-verb agreement are generally steadfast in legal writing, there may be rare exceptions in specialized legal contexts. However, such exceptions must be carefully justified and supported to maintain the integrity and coherence of legal documents. Precision and clarity remain paramount in navigating potential exceptions to subject-verb agreement rules.